rgb in an office

Is it stupid to use RGB components for an office computer?

Using RGB components in computer or gaming setups is a trend nowadays. Besides gaming, usual PC user also uses RGB components in their personal computer. But is it stupid to use RGB components for an office computer? The answer is complicated.

An office is a place where a professional environment should be created. Traditionally, in a professional environment, we understand non-RGB components for an office computer. But in modern days, RGB components are being used more than before. So minimal RGB in an office environment is not that much stupid.

Factors to be considered before using RGB in an office

The decision of using RGB components for an Office computer depends on some factors. Some of those are:

  • Concentration
  • Professional Look
  • Workplace Culture
  • Functionality
rgb components for an office computer
Guy Using RGB in an Office; Photo by Tarn Nguyen on Unsplash


The concentration ability of the worker in an office is the most important thing for an office. Therefore, the setup of an office computer should be in such a way that will increase the concentration and productivity of a worker. If it hinders productivity or become a matter of distraction, then RGB computer in office space is stupid. But, using minimal RGB components can enhance the concentration, and in no way becomes a matter of distraction. So a minimal RGB computer is not a stupid idea.

Professional Look

It is another point. An office space should be professional. If it becomes too much party-like environment, then the professionalism may also vanish from the worker. So if you want to use RGB components for an office computer, use minimal, not too much.

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Workplace Culture

Consider the culture and expectations of your workplace. In some professional settings, a more conservative and understated appearance may be preferred, and using RGB components might not be appropriate.


RGB components often come with additional software and controls to customize the lighting effects. If you have no interest in or do not plan to utilize these features, RGB components may not offer any practical benefits for your office computer.


After looking at these factors and some other factors as your requirement, you can use some minimal RGB in an office, but not too much like a gamer does for his gaming setup. Thus the final thought is, “It is not a stupid idea at all if you can keep it minimal with keeping a professional and motivating working environment.

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